Saturday, May 30, 2015

Springtime Blooms from April through May

What a beautiful spring season we had! The cool days were brisk and refreshing and I miss that. Perhaps it was that which prolonged the bloom time of my flowers or maybe spring just seemed longer because I had more time to enjoy it without all of the stress of planning our spring conference. Whatever the reason, the flowers were all too happy and gave a great display all season long, I was even able to keep up with most of the weeds.

Flowering Trees - early April

The redbud and serviceberry trees were among the first to bloom followed by the pink dogwood tree.

Redbud tree in foreground on left; Pink dogwood in background.

View of front yard from the living room.

The serviceberry tree doesn't seem too impressive in this picture but it's a beautiful, sweet little tree in person. I wish more nurseries would sell these gorgeous little native trees. 

Serviceberry flowers

Spring Bulbs - April

A little planning in the fall paid off. I planted several bulbs all around the front gardens and for the first time tried layering bulbs. It's a planting technique where you dig a very wide and deep hole and plant bulbs that bloom a few weeks apart at different depths (the layers) based on the bulb's depth requirement. This works great in containers too. It was wonderful to have a continuous display of flowers in the same spot. The three pics below show this; first the daffodils, then the white narcissus, then ending with the pink tulips. Sadly I missed getting more pictures of the tulips but you can see one or two starting out.

Blue and pink hyacinths, purple tulips and reliable good ole' pansies.

Other Flowers - late April-May

Virginia spiderwort (blue flowers) and Green and gold - chrysogonum virginianum - little yellow star-like flowers in back.

Virginia Spiderwort, tradescantia virginiana

Viola White Czar

Yellow Jasmine; Gelsemium sempervirens

Yellow jasmine vine on birdhouse/feeder pole.


Peonies - May

I can't remember having such an abundance of peonies in past as I did this year. From early May through now, I've been able to cut armfuls of peonies. I had so many, that once a week I would take bunches of them to share with friends.

Peonies, yellow roses, coreopsis, and showy evening primrose (oenothera speciosa) filling the foreground and all over.

Roses - mid-late May

Pale pink climbing roses on arbor in the back yard.

The scent of these roses is amazing.

Virginia rose is a fast spreading rose shrub. I've planted it in the front yard to create a pretty screen/hedge to block the view of the road.

Virginia rose, rosa virginiana

The two purple flowers in the foreground from left to right - catmint nepeta and babtisia australis.

Now, I wait for summer/later summer flowers to start blooming. It will be spectacular but I will miss my spring darlings.

Till June!