Current weather from our weather station:
Our weather station:
Feb. 13, 2011
First visit to check out the land and stream at low tide.
Neighbor shorebirds.
Very low tide.
April 2011 - Land is purchased and we "move in".
A few trees were downed to make room for our little cottage.
Waking up in the tent at sunrise. We love the simplicity and beauty of this place. 
Tim dreaming and planning.
And the work begins!
Parents came down for the weekend to help out. 
Lissette helped too.
Ta da!! the foundation is complete. 
Proud land owner.
April 22, 2011 - Cottage delivery

May 2011 - Cottage work and fun at the beach.
Gutter and rain barrel installed - May 7, 2011
All work and no play is no off to the beach we go!
I miss this hat, it was lost to the bay.
Almost there...mush!
Miles of untouched beach and loads of seashells. 
Trouble. Stranded in the middle of nowhere. 
Back at the cottage at last...
We're not alone out here.
May 14 - New tool shed.
High tide...looks like we really do have water view property. 

View of the cottage from the stream. 

July 10, 2011 Insulating the cottage
July 29, 2011 - Installing bamboo floors and bunkbeds
Our personal chef getting lunch ready. 

Guest house. Maybe this is why no one visits us at the cottage :'(
Composting toilet.
August 2011 Dry wall work begins.
Bathroom framed out
October 2011 Solar panel install
Water pump filtration system for the rain barrels. 
Success - Bathroom is painted and we have a light!
Outdoor Shower
Finished Interior
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