Saturday, February 24, 2018

What season are we in?

Technically, it's still winter (today is Feb. 24) and spring is round the corner...(March 20th) yet this week felt like summer! We've had two days with highs near or at 80 degrees...and last weekend we had rain with mix of snow and sleet! I don't know what to make of this and I wonder what the plants and wildlife are thinking? Well, onto the point of this post. We were gently reminded by a dear and sweet family member that we (I) haven't posted anything in quite a while, so this is for our sidewalk supervisor.

Ah yes, it's nearly spring and the first signs of spring are popping up all over the ground. First the snowdrops and then the snow crocus.

I can see the tips of the daffodils breaking out of their winter rest.

These must be early tulips
Hellebore Red Lady

We've had loads of rain the past few weeks and it has me worried that I might end up with half the bulbs blooming. Clay soil with poor drainage and too much rain is not ideal for bulbs. Good thing I planted 800 bulbs! I spent several weekends last fall planting all over the back yard, front yard, side yard, mom's yard and in several pots. The last allium went into the ground two weeks before Christmas. Like I said, it took several weekends, a drill, bulb auger attachment and a crazy orange hat. I dare not share this photo but what the heck! The drill made this job so much easier and made me very happy as you can see.

Now,  time to get those veggie and annual flower seeds started. This year I will be growing more annual flowers - cosmos, zinnias, love-in-a-mist, white dill and sweetpeas. I've got big plans for them in July.

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